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Verizon Bargaining 2011: Report # 73

This is an update on the mediation status with Verizon.

On July 19, 2012, CWA and IBEW requested the assistance of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service in our contract negotiations with Verizon.

The Company first refused the Union’s request for Mediation but we have been notified that the Company has agreed to Mediation and we are scheduled to meet with the Federal Mediator on Wednesday in Washington DC.

At this point, it appears that this enormously profitable company—which made nearly $22 billion in profits over the last five years and paid its top five executives nearly $350 million during that time—is determined to destroy your benefits and destroy the middle class jobs that CWA and IBEW have fought so hard to create over the past 50 years.

After negotiating for over one year we are still far apart on many of the issues involved in these negotiations. Yesterday, we provided a list of the items the company has proposed in order to lower our standard of living.

We need Verizon to hear us at the Bargaining Table

We have made meaningful proposals on wages, on changes to our healthcare plans, absence, medical, job security, call sharing, just to name a few. Yet, the Company has rejected every one of our proposals saying they don’t go far enough to meet their needs. At the same time, almost every proposal the Union has placed on the table has been rejected by the Company. Bargaining will continue in Washington DC on Wednesday with the Federal Mediator. In the meantime, we need every member to get engaged.

On Saturday, August 11, 2012 Americans from all over the country will be in Philadelphia, for the “Workers Stand for America Rally” to stand up for the middle class and urge all Americans, especially our elected officials, to stand with us. It is time for every member to stand up and be counted. Contact your Local for information on transportation to the rally.


United We Bargain! Divided We Beg!

If you have not been involved it is time to get involved.

Call your Local and find out what you can do today to help.