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Verizon Bargaining: Report # 75

Bargaining continues in Washington DC at the Federal Mediation Conciliation Service (FMCS). CWA, IBEW and Verizon have agreed to Guidelines which includes that no information can be released by either party concerning the progress of these negotiations.

Last week, CWA District 1, IBEW New England, CWA District 2-13 and IBEW Local 827 met with the company in sessions that went late into the night, every night for the entire week. Friday’s session ended on Saturday morning at 2 AM. Bargaining recessed so that the company could take the time to gather additional information that the Union requested. Bargaining is scheduled to reconvene on Monday morning at 9 AM.

Because of the agreed upon blackout, there is no news of progress or non-progress to report.

Our members must continue to mobilize and we MUST let management know that we want a fair contract.



Every member should be involved this week!

Mobilize! – Mobilize! – Mobilize!