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Verizon Mid-Atlanitc Bargaining: Report # 76

Negotiations between Verizon and CWA and IBEW under the auspices of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) have been going on for over a month, beginning on July 27th, and continuing through today. The parties have broken for the weekend, and will resume bargaining on Tuesday in New York.

All parties are continuing to abide by the mediator’s request for a blackout on the specific details of negotiations. However, we can report that significant, though painstaking, progress has been made on a number of major issues in the bargaining. A number of critical issues remain unresolved, and will be addressed when bargaining resumes.

Our members must continue to mobilize and we MUST let management know that we want a fair contract.


Next week get involved

Mobilize! – Mobilize! – Mobilize!

A Happy Labor Day Weekend to All!