Windstream Bargaining 2021: Report 4
On September 30, 2021, the CWA Local 13000 Bargaining Committee reports:
We met with the company a number of times throughout the day working to resolve remaining issues on the table. As the contract closed in on expiration we reached a TA in principle. The committee thanks you for your support through this process. Changes include:
A 3 year term
Annual wage increases
Training allowance
Discipline timelines
Contractor Notification
Voluntary termination allowance
Eliminate FST title
Emergency time practice
Sick Time
And others…
A complete, comprehensive explanation of each change will be sent to each Member along with a secret ballot to cast your vote. Contract explanation meetings are in the process of being set up for the Membership.The Bargaining Committee recommends ratification of this agreement.
In Unity,
Your Bargaining Committee
Jon Remington
Jeff Reamer
Gregg Bialek
Pat Catalano
Jerry Wilson Jr
Brenda Powell
Tim Johnson
Josh Irwin
Todd Cornish
MissionWired First Contract Bargaining: Report #9
AT&T Southeast Strike and AT&T West Bargaining Update
Remembering and Honoring Those Lost and Impacted by 9/11