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Election 2018: Labor-to-Labor Canvassing in VA

CWA Local 2204 sponsored the Western Virginia Labor Federation precinct walks on Saturday, October 6, 2018. 


The Local provided a hash brown casserole for breakfast and smoked brisket for lunch.


Participants knocked on union members' doors to talk about the candidates who are best for working people, including U.S. Senator Tim Kaine (D-Va.) and 6th District Democratic congressional candidate Jennifer Lewis.


Ms. Lewis rallied the troops to make every voter count.  CWA had 4 members in attendance and one retiree. Participants knocked over 300 doors with the help of Local 10 Pipe-fitters, UFCW Local 400, USW Local 1023, UAW Local 2069, NALC, IBEW 26, SMART 100,  and the members Roanoke City Democratic Committee.

The city Democrats helped canvass, prepare food and answer questions about the Lewis/Kaine campaigns.


It was a great day!