AT&T Legacy T - Mobilization Report # 18
Mobilization increases as Members are quickly approaching 3 months post expiration with no movement by the company on job security or healthcare.
There will be a National call Tuesday July 10 at 8PM Eastern to update members on the status of bargaining and mobilization with AT&T. Sign up at
Call Congress NOW at 888-877-2040 and tell them to support AMERICAN JOBS by supporting the U.S. Call Center Worker and Consumer Protection Act (HR3596). This bill will help stop companies like AT&T from shipping good American jobs overseas.
In Michigan, after several U-Verse technician robberies members were forced to walk off the job to protect their own safety when the company failed to implement a simply new procedure that could keep the technicians safe and protect company assets.
Our members take great pride in the quality of work they perform and follow AT&T’s safety creed on the job every day. “No job so important, and no service so urgent that we cannot take the time to perform our work safely…” If you are experiencing or witness any unsafe working conditions or OSHA violations; report them to your Local Union Stewards or Officers right away. You can also contact OSHA directly and then notify your Local Union. *Remember to check your safety and protective gear as well.
AT&T continues to be a healthy company with very sick ideas. The case in Michigan is just one of the newest examples of AT&T’s attack on the middle class and the company’s greedy attempt to line Executive’s pockets with the money saved at the worker’s expense, our community’s expense and our country’s expense.
It’s time that every worker and their family helped spread the word to the public. Our future’s are in our own hands. We can’t wait around for someone else to fight this fight for us. If you have not been involved in actions in your Local or your community, it’s not too late! Call your Local Union hall today, or talk with an Officer, Steward or Mobilizer in your work area.
We are spreading our message in our communities at street festivals, County fairs, Farmers Markets, Major League Baseball games, Golf tournaments and any other public event where people are gathered. A new flier was created to help spread our message to the public. If you haven’t seen it, you can contact your District Mobilization Coordinator listed below.
Here are some of the reportable actions from last week:
Local 1150 continue public actions in solidarity with Local 1153. Inside members are wearing RED Thursdays, BLACK Fridays and standing and making noise at 11:50 daily.
Local 1152 mobilization on the inside includes standing 3 times every day, wearing RED Thursdays & BLACK Fridays, Mass walk ins and rallies every Thursday.
Local 1153 work with Local 1150 on actions outside in the public. Inside members are wearing RED Thursdays, BLACK Fridays, holding rallies weekly, and continue to BOYCOTT OVERTIME.
Local 2204 members wore BLACK Thursday to represent that they are mourning in working without a contract.
Local 2252 activists attended the AT&T Nationals Golf Tournament to mobilize and let Randall Stephenson, an event participant, and AT&T Sponsorship know that a fair contract is CWA’s priority. Members were met by police at the gate of the event. Some pictures have been posted on the Legacy T website. Members continue inside mobilization including standing, clicking, making noise and wearing RED.
Local 3106 members wear RED Thursdays and take health breaks together every hour.
Local 3108 continue insides and outside actions. Members are taking breaks and making a lot of noise every hour.
Local 3207 continue to hold actions on the job and on the street. Members are engaged in the ‘Fight for the American Dream’ and mobilize everyday including; wearing bandanas, RED Thursdays, BLACK Fridays, standing up for 5 Minutes twice daily, taking hourly health breaks. Members decorated their lockers and clothes with CWA slogans and comments. WTF is posted on the Union boards. The COPE/PAF campaign with members kicked off.
Local 3250 members across all states remain engaged in the fight for a fair contract by holding rallies, leafleting the public and our communities. Inside actions include wearing RED Thursdays, BLACK Fridays, random noise actions when the feeling hits a member, inside rallies, keeping members informed through flyers, and one on one communication. Outside members are putting gas in their trucks in $32.50 increments when they need gas. AT&T cares shirts have been converted to ‘AT&T SCARES’ and posted on chairs in the worksite. The Local is collecting cash and notes from members with concerns over cash balance.
Local 3603 participate in inside actions including wearing RED Thursdays.
Local 3902 members are standing in solidarity every hour on the hour, wearing RED & BLACK throughout the week. Activists remain engaged in public action. Members continue to BOYCOTT OVERTIME.
Local 4250 handbilled healthcare flyers. Members are taking frequent ergonomic breaks to stay healthy on the job, while they remain focused on customer service and following AT&T’s policies and procedures. The overtime boycott continues until a fair contract is reached. Members wear RED Thursdays, some wear it every day. Strong messages have been sent regarding worker recognition programs…members tell management to recognize the workers with a fair contract instead of the company’s schoolyard awards.
Local 4252 members continue to wear RED Thursdays and participate in outside actions.
Local 4340 members support workers in the Verizon stuggle through public action in addition to AT&T negotiations. Officers have been holding work site meetings to keep members informed about bargaining and mobilization.
Local 4998 organizers continue to talk to workers at Best Buy and Radio Shack. Members show solidarity on the job by wearing RED Thursdays & BLACK Fridays.
Local 6143 Officers hold break room chats with members every Thursday to keep members informed about bargaining and upcoming mobilization actions. Members continue to show support by wearing red ribbons and WTF stickers to wear or place at desks.
Local 6150 members show support by making noise on the job every other hour, wearing RED Thursdays & Black Fridays.
Local 6201 walks in together followed by chanting and tapping actions throughout the day. Members continue to wear RED armbands and WTF stickers on their badges. Union boards have been updated with flyers and most members have signs at their desk indicating what they “Will walk for” in this round of negotiations. Members stay updated on bargaining and mobilization through face to face meetings, email, social media and the website. 6201 remains ready for whatever comes next.
Local 6350 continued to tell management that no contract = no overtime. A rally was held on Thursdays where the 110 degree temperature outside matched the rising temperature of the workers as this contract battle continues. Members continue inside actions including making noise in the office, wearing RED Thursdays and BLACK Fridays. The varied weekly rally times appear to be causing Local management some concerns, which require them to reiterate the break and lunch policy frequently to all employees.
Local 6450 continue to mobilize inside and outside. Most members are wearing RED Thursdays, BLACK Fridays, AND have something on their desk that says CWA to show support for a fair contract. Random outbursts of noise in the office, including chanting, continue daily. Members stay informed through social media, Local website, and break room meetings. Members are ready for continued, escalated action in support of a fair contract and our bargaining team.
Local 7050 members remain focused on safety on the job and quality work. The branded apparel boycott continues.
Local 7250 were joined by members of Local 7200, family members and community activists at the weekly demonstration downtown Minneapolis. Members also participated in mini-rallies in the elevator lobbies. Many inside actions continue including; stands 3 times daily, wearing RED Thursday & BLACK Friday. Per AT&T policies, hourly ergonomic breaks are being taken in attempt to maintain good health. Outside technicians remain focused on safety and quality. Mass organizing and Public leafleting events are planned.
Local 7750 held a flagpole rally in front of the building, passed out CWA bargaining pins and held an informational picket where activists used noisemakers like air horns and whistles. Members continue to show more unity and support as bargaining drags on. Daily hallway walks have expanded, and more members are wearing RED Tuesday & Thursday while wearing BLACK Friday & the rest of the week.
Local 9415 members continue to participate in worksite actions with their Legacy S Sisters and Brothers. Outside actions continue, including leafleting the public, in solidarity with CWA District 9 in California, Nevada and Hawaii.
Local 13550 passed our flyers this week reminding members “No contract, NO Peace” also a flyer asking AT&T to “Rethink and Bargain fairly”. Members participated in health break actions Thursday and continue to wear WTF buttons daily. For more noise variety, cymbals were added to the actions each half hour letting AT&T know CWA is still waiting for a fair contract. Members are wearing ‘Fighting for the American Dream’ t-shirts, RED Thursdays & BLACK Fridays.
Local 13552 members show solidarity by wearing RED Thursdays and BLACK Fridays.
Charges at the National Labor Relations Board have been filed by several Locals due to changes in working conditions that the company has imposed on our members. If you experience a change in working conditions, please report them to your Local Officers, or Stewards and
Violations of our right to participate in concerted actions should also be reported to and your District or Sector staff. You should file charges at the NLRB in both cases of changes in working conditions and violations of our right to participate in concerted actions.
Organizing campaigns at retailers like that sell AT&T products and services Best Buy and Radio Shack have expanded to included AT&T authorized agents and contractors that AT&T uses to do business. Many of the contractor jobs belong or used to belong in our bargaining units. If we can’t get the work back, we should work to help organize the people doing the work today.
Members in the field are the force behind any movement that has been made so far at the bargaining table. There are many actions happening in each Local, check with your Local Officer to see how you can participate. Make sure you are doing your part.
Are your Local’s actions missing from the report? Send pictures and reports to your mobilization coordinators listed here:
D1 Chris Wise
D2/13 Mary Lou Schaffer
D3 Glenda Poindexter
D4 Dave Skotarczyk
D6 Sarah Harreus
D7/D9 Shari Wojtowicz
Staff Rep Jim Cosgrove
Local Mobilization Coordinators: If you are unsure what to do during this phase of mobilization, or how to ramp up your current actions, please contact your District Coordinator above. If you have any problems or questions, call your District Staff person or the National T&T Office.
Stand Strong. Stay Mobilized.
CWA Members at Google Help Ratify Historic First Contract
CWA Piedmont Passenger Service and Ramp Workers Picket for a Fair Contract