August 2022 Bargaining Round-Up

AFT – West Virginia
A Memorandum of Agreement was signed by CWA and AFT-West Virginia to extend the current Collective Bargaining Agreement to August 30, 2022. The extension includes the Kanawha and PEG Projects, as well. CWA Local 2001 represents American Federation of Teachers employees in West Virginia.
Comcast Corliss
CWA Local 13000’snegotiations with Comcast over the Corliss contract continued through August. The Bargaining Committee particularly appreciated members’ participation in the schedule change mobilization. The Company is no longer pursuing the issue at the bargaining table. Stay in touch with your Unit Rep for additional job actions, and check out the latest report.
The CWA Bargaining Committee reported that TAs were reached with DirecTV for three bargaining units, which include Customer Care workers in West Virginia and Field Services in Delaware and Maryland:
CWA members at DirecTV covered by three contracts reached tentative agreements this week. The Orange Customer Care contract covers members in Minnesota, West Virginia, and Colorado who primarily work as call center representatives. The Midwest contract covers members in Ohio, Michigan, and Illinois who work as technicians, dispatchers, office coordinators, administrative support assistants, and technical support representatives. The DirecTV Field Services Telecommunications and Technologies Labor Agreement covers members in Delaware, Oregon, New Mexico, and Maryland who primarily work as technicians and administrative support assistants. The members have been mobilizing and working closely with their respective bargaining committees for months to harness their collective power and win contracts with substantial improvements to wages and working conditions, including pay increases, adjustments to healthcare costs, added protections for employees who work from home, the addition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a paid holiday, improved scheduling and attendance policies, and much more. The members will be voting to ratify each of the contracts in the coming weeks.
Read the CWA National report.
The EveryAction Bargaining Committee, which includes Locals 2336 and 13000, met with the company this month. The Committee reports: “We are still waiting for [EveryAction] to provide outstanding data around wages and healthcare, but they did provide more information than they had…” Read Local 13000's report:
Newtown Township – Municipal Workers
The Local 13000 Bargaining Committee reported that the Union’s intent to bargain was forwarded to the Township in June, and the Collective Bargaining Agreement will expire on December 31, 2022. Bargaining opened in August. Stay in contact with your Unit Rep to share your ideas and concerns.
The CWA Joint Bargaining Committees, which includes Local Officers and Staff from Districts 1 and 2-13, agreed to a contract extension while negotiations continue with Thryv. The current contract remains in effect through October 14, 2022.
CWA Members Build Skills at the Minority Leadership Institute