February 2023 Bargaining Round-Up
A tentative agreement was reached by the Local 2385 Bargaining Committee on behalf of AFGE employees. Contact the Local office for information about the ratification vote.
American Airlines – Passenger Service Agents
The CWA-IBT Association Bargaining Committee met with American Airlines management this month and reported:
Our union committees proposed changes to the following articles:
- Article 14, Reduction in Force (furlough)
- Article 18, Sick Leave
- Article 19, Holiday Vacation
- Article 20, Vacations
- Article 25, Grievance Procedure
In addition, we responded to a company proposal to make changes to Article 32, Call Monitoring. Our proposal preserves the current practice.
The company proposed changes to the following articles:
- Article 7, Overtime-Reservations
- Article 14, Reductions in Force
- Article 25, Grievance Procedure
The two sides reached agreement on parts of some of the articles, so overall progress was made. Our next round of bargaining will take place March 7-9.
The Bargaining Committee thanked members for this month’s mobilization and their continued support. Members shared selfies with solidarity Valentines from stations throughout the bargaining unit. Please check in with your stewards or local officers to find out about mobilization actions at your station or center. You can still share Solidarity Selfies and group pictures at info@american-agents.com.
CWA Local 13301 Philadelphia agents mobilize and ask AA to "Have a Heart"
CWA Local 13301 agents at the Philadelphia Airport say "We have given our hearts, AA!"
Make sure your personal email address and cell phone number are up-to-date by filling in the form at https://american-agents.org/stay-connected.
In a Press Release issued this month, CWA stated:
Five years after emerging from its previous bankruptcy, Avaya Holdings Corporation filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and secured financing of $780 million as it restructures its business to reduce its total debt. The company expects to complete this process in 60 to 90 days and has made certain assurances including keeping the business intact by not selling or splitting any of its parts; not making any changes to employees’ pay or benefits; as well as a commitment to maintaining the pension and benefits for retirees. The Communications Workers of America (CWA), which represents close to 300 active members at Avaya and thousands of retirees, plans to take an active role in the bankruptcy process to protect the interests of workers and retirees.
“During the last restructuring in 2017, CWA's quick intervention was key to protecting our members. Similar to the previous process, we are seeking a seat on the Unsecured Creditors Committee to ensure that the Company implements the provisions included in its restructuring plan and lives up to its commitment to workers. This is a complicated process with lots of moving parts but we are determined to use all of our available resources to actively play a part in it and fight for our members’ interests,” said CWA Telecommunications and Technologies Vice President Lisa Bolton.
A tentative agreement with Breezeline (formerly Atlantic Broadband) was reached and ratified this month. In the new 4-year contract, the Local 13000 Bargaining Committee was able to gain:
- Compound pay increase of 13.10% over the term of the contract
- Annual wage increases of 3% on March 1, 2023, 3% on March 1, 2024, 3.5% on March 1, 2025 and 3% on March 1, 2026
- Unification of terms in CBA which will make the contract easier to interpret and enforce
- Clarified definition of ‘Days’ to be calendar days not work days and vacation week language
- Improved differential for working up in title
- Changes to meal break language
- Improved Standby Allowance
- Changes to after shift hours call out procedure
- Additional Floating Holiday
- Improved vacation allowances
- Improved Tool and Uniform Allowance and notice of deadline for receipts
- Improved Education Reimbursement for new hires
Find out more about the TA in the most recent report.
Congratulations to the Bargaining Team and members!
Delaware State 911 and Civilian Workers
Negotiations are scheduled to resume on Tuesday, February 28. Reach out to the Local 13101 Bargaining Team for the latest news.
DHSS/DSAAPD Sr. Social Workers/ Case Managers
The Local 13101 signed an MOU with the State of Delaware to address compensation for members. Contact the Local office for the full details.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
February saw several highlights from the strike at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. First, Congressman Chris Deluzio (PA-17) invited James “Hutchie” VanLandingham, member of CWA Local 14842, to be his guest at the State of the Union. Check out CWA’s Press Release for the full story.
Last week, CWA Local 2006 in West Virginia traveled to the picket line in Clinton to stand in solidarity with their striking brothers and sisters.
Ann Vogler, Fran Jones and Chad Polivka from CWA Local 2006
joined Members of CWA Locals 14827 and 14842 on the picket line in
Clinton on Thursday, February 23, 2023.
On Friday, February 24, striking workers and their allies gathered outside of the UPMC in downtown Pittsburgh to ask the organization to stop advertising with the Post-Gazette. Read Pittsburgh Union Progress’s reporting on strikers’ efforts to gain UPMC’s support.
For more information on how to support the striking workers, visit cwa.org/ppg and subscribe to the strike paper at unionprogress.com.
The CWA Bargaining Committee – made up of representatives from District 1 and 2-13 – agreed to extend the current Collective Bargaining Agreement until March 30, 2023. As negotiations continue, check in with your Local for the latest news.
MissionWired First Contract Bargaining: Report #9
AT&T Southeast Strike and AT&T West Bargaining Update
Remembering and Honoring Those Lost and Impacted by 9/11