June 2022 Bargaining Round-Up

American Federation of Teachers (West Virginia)
The American Federation of Teachers contracts in West Virginia have been extended to July 30, 2022 as negotiations continue. This bargaining unit is represented by CWA Local 2001.
American Red Cross – National Addendum
In the latest bargaining report, the Joint National Coalition of Unions focused the Red Cross's June 1st implementation of the TeamCare cost share, as well as issues surrounding members’ healthcare.
Check out CWA Local 13500’s the
AT&T Mobility (Orange)
The Orange Contract Bargaining Team reached a tentative agreement (TA) with AT&T Mobility! CWA praised the TA, which “raises base wages, includes adjustments for inflation, limits mandatory overtime, curtails the outsourcing of jobs to third-party authorized retailers, and adds privacy protections for call center representatives who are working from home.” Read CWA’s full Press Release.
The details of this groundbreaking agreement are available
The TA would not have been possible without the amazing mobilization efforts of our members.

CWA Local 2205 members in Virginia are all in for a fair contract at AT&T Mobility!

Local 2204 member Kim F. met with Laura Blevins from Senator Kaine's office and Shane Clem from Senator Warner's office about the fight for a fair contract at AT&T Mobility and the value of keeping good union jobs in our communities!
Comcast Corliss
CWA Local 13000’snegotiations with Comcast over the Corliss contract continued in June. Contact your Unit Rep for the latest mobilization activities, and check out the most recent report.
DirecTV (Orange)
DirecTV members covered by the Orange Mobility contract in Eden Prairie, Minn.; Huntington, W.Va.; and Englewood, Colo. continue to mobilize for a fair contract. The workers are fighting back as the company engages in divisive tactics and puts profits before workers in order to appease their partners at the private equity firm TPG Capital.

CWA Local 2009 DirecTV members in Huntington, WV wear RED on Thursdays to show they are ALL IN for a fair contract!
The CWA Local 13500 Bargaining Committee reached a tentative agreement with LifePath this month. Contact your Local office for details and ratification information.
Psychiatric Institute of Washington, DC
On Monday, June 20, Local 2336 members held an informational picket in front of the PIW hospital to demand a fair contract. Their current contract expired on April 15, 2022 after several extensions and years of bargaining. PIW fails to address dangerous working conditions, staffing shortages, inadequate resources, and a lack of sufficient security at the bargaining table. Read the latest bargaining update.

CWA members' informational picket outside of PIW hospital.
In their statement dated June 20, 2022, the Verizon Bargaining Committee announced:
As you know, CWA and IBEW have been negotiating with Verizon since May 16, 2022 to determine whether it’s possible to agree on the terms of a contract extension. These negotiations were planned for a limited time frame. However, we have mutually agreed to continue bargaining through this week in an attempt to reach an agreement. We will keep you posted on further developments.
CWA Members Build Skills at the Minority Leadership Institute