March 2023 Bargaining Round-Up

American Airlines – Passenger Service Agents
The CWA-IBT Association Bargaining Committee met with American Airlines management this month and reported:
Our CWA-IBT Association Bargaining Committee met with American Airlines management last week in our sixth round of bargaining for a new contract.
The two sides exchanged proposals on the following articles:
Article 7, Overtime-Reservations
Article 9, Filling of Vacancies
Article 12, Reductions in Force
Article 25, Grievance Procedure
Article 26, System Boards of Adjustment
Article 30, Safety and HealthThe bargaining has been difficult because our Bargaining Teams are fighting for improvements in these articles, but the company is standing their ground. Nonetheless, the two sides reached tentative agreements on Article 12, Reductions in Force and Article 30, Safety and Health.
To make real gains at the bargaining table, we must increase the pressure on the company. How do we do that? Members at every station and center must show unity and solidarity with the Bargaining Teams. It's the only way to move the company on the issues that are important to members, like giving us the work-life balance that we all deserve.
Check in with your stewards or local officers to find out about mobilization actions at your station or center. And share your Solidarity Selfies and group pictures with us at We'll post them on
Our next round of bargaining will take place April 4-7.
Profit-Sharing Update
For the purpose of determining profit-sharing payments, the quarter ending this month (March 2023) will replace last year’s first quarter, when there was no profit for the Company. American Airlines reports that it is on track to see a profit in Q1 this year and final numbers will be calculated for profit sharing soon, with a possible payout in May 2023. However, employees should be aware that no specifics have been decided yet, and CWA-IBT will provide more information as soon as it is available.
Our Bargaining Teams met up with the bargainers for the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA) last week in Dallas. They have been in bargaining for three years and just gave their economic proposal to the company last week. We agreed to support each other as we fight for fair contracts for agents and flight attendants at AA.
Stay Informed, Get Involved
Make sure we have your personal email address and cell phone number by filling in this form. And share this message with co-workers who may not already be on our email and text lists.
Be sure to follow us on where you can like and share our updates and other bargaining-related content. Look for and use the hashtag #FairPayAA.

CWA Local 13301 member, Marcos, at PHL mobilized for a fair contract in March.

CWA-IBT Bargaining Committee for American Airlines Passenger Service contract.
The Bargaining Team is asking members to sign a petition to protect passenger service agents at American Airlines from on-the-job injuries. Management implemented a requirement that agents close aircraft doors without assistance from cabin crews. Please take action here!
Make sure your personal email address and cell phone number are up-to-date by filling in the form at
Delaware State 911 and Civilian Workers
The Local 13101 Bargaining Team reports that negotiations with the State continued in March. Reach out to the Local for the latest news.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
As the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette strike reached six months in March, Union allies came together to support the workers on the picket line. United Steelworkers Local 3657 hosted a Pi Day (3/14) bake sale to benefit the Pittsburgh Striker Fund.

United Steelworkers held Pi Day Bake Sale for striking workers at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
Unfortunately, two striking workers were assaulted on the picket line in March. CWA reported:
The unprovoked attack sent one of the strikers to the hospital with a broken jaw, which required surgery. Unfortunately, the workers are out on strike without health insurance due to the actions of the Post-Gazette, which back in October of 2022 refused to pay the additional contractually obligated $19 per employee, per week, and instead made a proposal that could cost workers close to $14,500 more per year in out-of-pocket medical expenses. Some of these workers have not seen a raise in 16 years. Throughout the strike, the Post-Gazette ownership has been wasting money on frivolous litigation and union-busting efforts when they could be paying for the contractually obligated healthcare of their dedicated employees. The striking workers, labor leaders, and elected officials participated in a press conference on Monday, calling for an immediate investigation into the assault on peaceful strikers.
Striking workers also launched a radio show on KDKA titled “Today in Pittsburgh Labor.” Check it out on Sundays at 11PM ET:
Finally, on March 29, union leaders, their lawyer, and two Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service mediators gathered for a scheduled bargaining session that the company failed to attend. Read PUP’s reporting here.
For more information on how to support the striking workers, visit and subscribe to the strike paper at

Latest yard sign to show solidarity with striking Pittsburgh Post-Gazette workers.
On March 1, the CWA Districts 1 and 2-13 Joint Bargaining Committee reported that they reached a tentative agreement with Thryv. Pennsylvania Thryv members, represented by Local 13500, ratified their CBA on March 28th. Congratulations to the members and Local Bargaining Team!
Press Release: Struck Newspaper Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Closes Allegheny County Print Facility, Pays Out Striking Production Workers
AT&T Southwest Bargaining Team Gets Support from Across CWA District 6