New Report Looks at Union-Building and Young Activists
A new report by the Berger-Marks Foundation offers a "top ten list" to help unions attract and keep a new generation of workers, especially women members.
"Stepping Up, Stepping Back: Women 'Talk Union' Across Generations" provides some very specific suggestions to help increase activism and leadership among young workers, especially women. Download the report here.
The report is based on discussion among 30 women leaders who attended a "summit" in New Orleans; they came from more than 20 different unions and other organizations.
Recommendations included more training programs so that young workers can learn how to 'talk union' with their peers, eradicating sexual harassment and sexism, and more decision-making involvement and opportunity for young activists.
The Berger-Marks Foundation was established with a bequest from the estates of Edna Berger, the first female lead organizer for The Newspaper Guild-CWA, and her husband, the legendary Tin Pan Alley song-writer Gerald Marks. It seeks to bring the benefits of unionization to working women and to assist organizations committed to those principles.
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