November 2023 Bargaining Round Up
American Airlines – Passenger Service Agents
Following nation-wide mobilization on November 14, the CWA-IBT Association Bargaining Committee returned to the table with American Airlines. The Bargaining Team reported progress, but worker protection and wages remain on the table.
Check out Bargaining Reports 15 and 16 for news from November's negotiations.
CWA members rallied outside airports across the country week as part of a national day of action to demand better pay and job security and to educate travelers about their fight for a fair contract, including CWA Local 13301 at the Philadelphia International Airport.
In November, following ratification of the AFGE contract, CWA reported:
FNR-CWA Local 2385 members who work at the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) rallied outside of the union’s headquarters on Wednesday to raise awareness of AFGE’s disregard for its workers and their rights.
After signing a new collective bargaining agreement in May, AFGE immediately began repudiating several articles in the new contract and fired the vice president of the local. Although FNR-CWA Local 2385 has filed numerous unfair labor practice charges and grievances against AFGE, the organization continues to violate the contract.
FNR-CWA Local 2385 members who work at the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) rallied outside of the union’s headquarters to raise awareness of AFGE’s disregard for its workers and their rights.
On November 6, the AVAYA Bargaining Committee reported that the Company denied the Union’s request to extend the contract beyond the October 24 expiration date. As a result, the Committee reported:
The Company and the Union have not reached a fair and just agreement for you. The Company denied the Union's request to extend the contract and stated that the employees would work without an agreement. For now, it is “Business as Usual”. The only thing that changes when working without a contract is that there is no arbitration for any grievances filed after you began working without one.
Our legal department and the T&T Office are reviewing and assessing the situation. We hope to get back to the table soon.
Brightspeed – PA
On November 2, Brightspeed bargaining unit members in Butler, PA ratified a 5-year agreement. Highlights of the new contract include:
- Annual wage increases which compound to 14.8%
- Improved Boot Allowance
- Improved Bereavement Leave
- Improved Layoff Allowance
- Improved PTO Scheduling Language
- Improved Tour Differentials
- Improved Standby Pay
- 3 Additional Holidays
Congratulations to the Bargaining Committee and members!
Comcast Alle-Kiski
The CWA Local 13000 Bargaining Committee met with Comcast over the Alle-Kiske contract throughout November. The Committee reported that the Company continues to repulse wage increases. Negotiations will resume in December.
Comcast South Hills
The CWA Local 13000 Bargaining Committee opened negotiations with Comcast over the South Hills contract on November 28. The Bargaining Team introduced proposals to improve training standards, control mandatory overtime, limit use of contract labor, and inclement weather protections. Bargaining will resume on January 9th.
Early this month, CWA signed an MOA with LifePath to provide holiday incentive pay.
The full MOA is available here:
The Piedmont Bargaining Committee exchanged proposals with the Airline in November, but no agreements were reached. Check out the latest report and sign up for mobilization news:
Negotiations are scheduled to resume in December.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
CWA members, leaders, and allies joined a virtual rally for striking Pittsburgh Post-Gazette workers on Tuesday, November 14. Check out the full report from the virtual demonstration of solidarity.
There are several ways to help Post-Gazette strikers, especially during the holiday season. Find out how by visiting
MissionWired First Contract Bargaining: Report #9
AT&T Southeast Strike and AT&T West Bargaining Update
Remembering and Honoring Those Lost and Impacted by 9/11