American Red Cross (NEPA Region) Bargaining Report: May 24, 2010
Negotiations with the NEPA Region began on May 4th. The bargaining teams met again on May 11, 19 and 20. The Union presented its agenda with explanation and, in some cases, modified contract language to clarify the Union's intent. Click here for 2010 Bargaining Agenda. These proposals were taken from the membership survey as well as issues that have been in dispute between the Union and NEPA Region since the last round of negotiations.
The NEPA Region presented and explained its proposed changes, including moving many of the policies and practices, presently covered under our contract and subject to negotiations between the Union and Region, to their sole discretion.
On May 20th the bargaining teams agreed to recess until May 27th when we will meet to re-evaluate our respective positions. A general membership meeting is scheduled for June 6, 2010 at which the Union will either present to the members a Tentative Agreement for its consideration or the Union will conduct a Strike Authorization vote if we have not come to agreement with the NEPA Region by that time.
If you wish to receive future updates at your home e-mail address, please forward your request to
CWA Local 13500 received the following message over this past weekend:
"On Friday, May 21, eight local unions representing more than 1,000 Red
Cross workers filed strike notices with Red Cross. They include:
OPEIU 459, Lansing
IBT 580, Lansing
CWA 1122, Buffalo
SEIU 1199, Huntington
UFCW 75, Toledo
SEIU 721, LA
USW 254, GA"
We will keep you informed of developments.
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AT&T Southeast Strike and AT&T West Bargaining Update
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