Frontier VA-WV Bargaining 2023 Bargaining Report #10
On Wednesday, August 16, 2023, the CWA Bargaining Committee reported:
The CWA Bargaining Committee and Frontier Bargaining Committee have continued to meet this week.
The Union continues to focus on job security, securing bargaining unit work, safety, quality affordable healthcare, and compensation, all of which the members identified as priorities in their bargaining surveys. Frontier came with an agenda to address work-at-home, active employee benefits, and future retiree benefits.
Negotiations are twofold so often one committee’s issue cannot be addressed without addressing that of the other committee. Substantive progress has slowed as the Union awaits information requested from the Company related to its proposal on benefits for future retirees. The Committees continue to negotiate on proposals unrelated to the information requested such as work-at-home and active employee benefits.
As often as possible at the table, the Union Bargaining Committee stresses there are efficiency opportunities that would save the Company money. The Union’s point is there are other ways to cut expenses without doing it at the employee’s expense. The Union also continues to point out CWA’s advocacy at the state and federal level with our Broadband Brigade initiative. We advocate for our members, but ultimately the Company benefits from the broadband money being handed out to connect West Virginians. CWA works diligently at the West Virginia State Capital and actively participates and lobbies for CWA Members and all West Virginians.
With just days until contract expiration, every member needs to step-up and participate in your Local’s Mobilization Activities. Now is not the time to sit idly on the side and be inactive, so send Frontier a message by showing solidarity across West Virginia and Virginia and get involved.
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