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VCS Bargaining 2011: Report # 40

Your VCS Bargaining Team met with the Company again this week in an effort to reach a Fair and Equitable Agreement but unfortunately we ran into one ROADBLOCK – the COMPANY. Again, all they are interested in is pushing their REGRESSIVE proposals that would negatively impact each of you and your families in a way that would take you back years in all aspects of your employment life. This attitude coupled with what they are in the process of doing to our Brothers and Sisters in New Jersey cannot be tolerated. It is time for each of us to stand up and let this GREEDY corporation know that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. It’s time for each of us to let our families, friends and communities know that this corporation doesn’t care about people or the damage they do to them and their families through their actions and we must also let everyone know that the only thing they do care about is MONEY no matter how badly their GREED impact the VCS employees or their customers. The only thing that we continue to get from the Company at the table is either nothing or their RETROGRESSIVE proposals but we are determined to stay at the table until we can reach a FAIR settlement. We continue to need your support so we can drive the point home that WE will not accept these RETROGRESSIVE proposals and all of us together will last one day longer than this GREEDY corporation. We must double our mobilization activities so we can convince this Company that we will not GO BACK and that we need to move FORWARD together to secure our future. Your assistance is essential to accomplish our goals in this round of negotiations. We still need each of you on a daily basis to let this Company know THAT WE WILL NOT GO BACK. We must continue to pressure the Company and part of that pressure must be directed at the Verizon Wireless Stores in your area. We must be out there at these Stores, under the direction of your Local, passing out flyers to the general public on a daily basis letting them know what VCS is attempting to do to all of us and about their GREED. Thanks for your support!!



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