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Verizon Bargaining 2011: Report # 36

On Tuesday and Wednesday, September 6th & 7th, your regional bargaining team and the company met to discuss proposals regarding medical restrictions, attendance and RAP. The company brought in a human resources representative to explain their proposal and some of the data previously provided to the union in order for us to be able to understand if any changes need to take place. The company seems to believe the best way to improve attendance in the workplace is to stop pay. The union pointed out to the company there are many mechanisms in place the company never utilizes that could benefit both the company and the union.

The union bargaining team also had a follow up meeting to address several unanswered questions regarding the company proposal changing the medically restricted plan.

During both of these meetings, the union uncovered additional documentation the company must provide for us to respond to these proposals.

Following the meetings with the company, the union bargaining team spent time analyzing data in order to address both company and union proposals that remain on the table.

Your union bargaining team is committed to addressing the interests of all our members when reviewing every proposal. With the support of our members, we will get this company to move and reach a fair agreement.


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