Windstream Bargaining 2021: Report 3
The CWA Local 13000 Bargaining Committee reports:
The Union and Company have been meeting regularly over the last three days. We’ve been able to reach agreement on a number of issues but still have BIG fights ahead on benefits and wages. The company has also backed off of one of its biggest demands to take wages away from you.
Talks have ended for the night and will resume tomorrow morning, September 30, 2021. The contracts expire at midnight and we have much to accomplish to bring a new contract to you on time. Be prepared to mobilize and take action tomorrow to show the company that we won’t stop until we have a fair agreement to present to you.
In Unity,
Your Bargaining Committee
Jon Remington
Jeff Reamer
Gregg Bialek
Pat Catalano
Jerry Wilson Jr
Brenda Powell
Tim Johnson
Josh Irwin
Todd Cornish
MissionWired First Contract Bargaining: Report #15
District 2-13 WV Gives to Salvation Army Angel Tree Project