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District 2-13 Bargaining News: January 2025

American Airlines 

The CWA American Airlines bargaining team reported on the outcome of a recent hearing to resolve a dispute over the collection of curb side baggage fees. After mediation failed, the parties brought the matter to System Board of Adjustment for arbitration. Unfortunately, the arbitrator rejected the Union’s arguments. 


American Red Cross – National Addendum

This month, the National Coalition of Red Cross Unions presented a three-year tentative agreement to the members, and the agreement was ratified by a majority of the coalition unions. 

2025 ARC National Addendum TAs_watermark
2025 ARC National Addendum TAs_watermark

Reach out to your Local office for more details.


Benjamin Franklin Printing

CWA Local 2201 reached a new contract with Ben Franklin Printing. The new contract will expire on January 31, 2026.


Climate Reality

On January 29, 2025, the CWA Local 2336 Bargaining Committee met with Climate Reality to negotiate the members’ first contract. Remote work and leave time were among the topics discussed. Read the full report and be sure to wear red on Thursdays to support ongoing negotiations.

Climate Reality workers organized with CWA Local 2336 in 2024.


Frontier PA

The Frontier PA Bargaining Committee agreed to extend the contract expiration date to April 5, 2025 while negotiations continue. Keep in touch with CWA Local 13571 for the latest news.



The extension of the INOVA/ASHN contract expired on January 2, 2025, and Local 2252 home healthcare members are currently working without a contract.  On Monday, January 13, District 2-13 VP Mike Davis joined members in northern Virginia to picket ASHN headquarters in a one-day ULP strike. CWA Local 2252 and members demand ASHN come to the bargaining table to bargain for a fair contract for our compassionate, hardworking, and skilled clinicians.

ASHN picketers in 3 images

CWA Local 2252 members picketed during a one-day ULP strike at ASHN in northern Virginia, joined by CWA District 2-13 VP Mike Davis.



In a ratification vote held on December 20, 2024, CWA Local 13500 members ratified a new three-year contract with LifePath. Congratulations to the members and bargaining team!


The Local 2336 Bargaining Committee met with MissionWired throughout January. Healthcare and salary are among the top priorities during negotiations. Read the full report from the Bargaining Team, and please share your insights and concerns with the Team. As always, support negotiations by wearing red on bargaining days and Thursdays.

MissionWired employees voted to join CWA in March 2023 as part of the CODE-CWA movement. The Bargaining Committee is negotiating the first union contract for the new members.



The bargaining committee met with Piedmont during the week of January 22nd. The Bargaining Committee reported Piedmont has failed to provide proposals on holidays, vacations, and wages. 

The bargaining committee is asking members to participate in a strike authorization vote. Members can vote through February 7, 2025 until 5PM ET. Under the Railway Labor Act, it is a lengthy process to get approval under the law to strike at Piedmont. Take a moment to learn more about the Railway Labor Act before you vote:

Piedmont's Railway Labor Act Flyer
Piedmont's Railway Labor Act Flyer


Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

As CWA members continue to fight for a fair contract at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette with the longest running strike in the United States, the Supreme Court ruled to uphold the members’ right to picket. CWA District 2-13 VP Mike Davis stated: 

The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania rightly saw through the Post-Gazette’s attempts to intimidate workers exercising their right to join together and has denied the PG’s effort to waste all of our time in court when we should be meeting at the bargaining table. CWA members have been on strike for more than two years, and with their dedication and solidarity, they have won important legal victories that affirm the rights of all working people in Pennsylvania.

Read the full story about the Post-Gazette’s failed attempt to prevent union workers from exercising their right to picket.

You can support striking workers here.



The CWA Local 2336 Bargaining Committee reported that a tentative agreement was reached for Threespot employees. Contact the Local office for news about the ratification vote and any other updates. 

The bargaining committee began to bargain the first contract for these members after they voted to join Local 2336 in January 2023. 



Virginia’s United Campus Workers (UCWVA-CWA) lobbied legislators in Virginia on January 17. They urged legislators to fight for collective bargaining and living wages for campus workers. Read the full story here.



The CWA Local 2336 Bargaining Committee reached a tentative agreement with UPO this month. Check out the report and summary of the tentative agreement here.

Reach out to the Local for the latest ratification vote news.


Wells Fargo

The Committee for Better Banks shared an update about national Wells Fargo negotiations that occurred on January 7-9:

The Union continues to push for one National Contract and Wells Fargo is using this as a bargaining technique to stall, even though it makes sense for both parties.  To this date we have passed about a third of our proposals across the table, discussed, countered, and modified as needed to continue the process of bargaining each article and section put forward.

Read the full report covering the last three months of negotiations here.



In their January 2025 newsletter, CWA Local 2108 reports that ZeniMax negotiations are nearing the finish line: “While recent breakthroughs have narrowed the gap on reaching a first agreement, there are still several significant issues that still need to be addressed.” 

Check out the newsletter to get the full report and reach out to your Local for the latest bargaining news:

CWA Local 2108 Newsletter
January 2025
CWA Local 2108 Newsletter