October 2023 Bargaining Round Up

American Airlines – Passenger Service Agents
On October 23, the CWA-IBT Bargaining Team reported from the bargaining table with American Airlines:
There were discussions between the Company and the Union over all remaining issues and there was some progress made on some of the proposals on Scope, though many articles still remain. All Scope articles in reservations are still under discussion and the Company has not moved on furlough protections.
More and more work of the future will be automated or utilize Artificial Intelligence. We need to make sure we are part of the future.
We will return the bargaining table next Tuesday, October 31, and hope to make progress on the remaining articles. The Union is committed to fighting for a fair contract that addresses wages, mandatory overtime, benefits, and job protections.
It is important for all members to stand united behind the Bargaining Committee to send a clear message to the Company that it’s time for a contract that protects our jobs and provides comparable wages and benefits in the airline industry. Please make sure anything you post reflects that message.
The Avaya Bargaining Committee announced an extension to the current contract until Thursday, November 2 as talks continue.
CWA District 2-13 represents Avaya members throughout the District’s footprint.
Brightspeed – Pennsylvania
This month, CWA Local 13000’s Bargaining Committee reached a tentative agreement with Brightspeed for members working in Butler, PA. (Brightspeed PA was formerly CenturyLink and Lumen.) The Bargaining Committee reported the tentative agreement contains wage increases, improvements to standby pay and tour differentials, and the addition of three holidays. Members should plan to attend an explanation meeting followed by a ratification vote on Thursday, November 2nd.
Comcast Alle-Kiski
The CWA Local 13000 Bargaining Committee reported on October’s negotiations with Comcast:
Bargaining resumed this week and, during several sessions with the company the last 3 days, we have made progress on a number of issues including contractor usage, summer overtime, mandatory overtime, and others. While we continue to work on getting the raises you badly need, we continue to work to hold off company efforts to take away schedule flexibility, holiday scheduling, and more.
The Bargaining Committee credited greater leverage at the Alle-Kiske table because of the successful election in the South Hills bargaining unit. Negotiations with Comcast will continue into November.
Consolidated Communications, Inc. (ILEC)
At the end of September, the CWA Local 13000 Bargaining Committee reached a tentative agreement with CCI. During an explanation meeting to the membership in Gibsonia, PA, the ILEC bargaining unit ratified the 3-year agreement. Congratulations!
CWA Local 13500 signed a new MOA with LifePath. The agreement, which updates the terms of the “med pour fill-in stipend,” took effect on October 8th. In addition to an overall increase in the stipend, it has increased to $25 on top of time worked in instances where “the med pour involves the administration of medication through a G/J tube or the administration of insulin." Check out the full MOA:
Piedmont Airlines
The CWA Bargaining Committee exchanged proposals with Piedmont Airlines during October’s negotiations. Wages and safety are among members’ highest priorities for this contract.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
On October 6, striking workers at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette marked one year on the picket line. CWA reported on the Post-Gazette’s continued violation of labor law and refusal to comply with court orders.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette workers have shown amazing resilience throughout this strike. Members and allies, including PA Senator John Fetterman and the Allegheny-Fayette County Labor Council, joined the strikers on October 6 to recognize the anniversary of the strike.
Please continue your support of striking workers at the Gazette. Visit cwa.org/ppg and subscribe to the strike paper at unionprogress.com.
United Planning Organization
The CWA Local 2336 Bargaining Committee agreed to extend their contract with UPO, which was originally scheduled to expire on December 31. The contract’s terms will now remain in effect through March 31, 2024.
ZeniMax Bargaining Committee member Autumn Mitchell dressed as Union Barbie this Halloween. Autumn and the Bargaining Team are negotiating their first contract at ZeniMax, and she is a future member of Local 2108.

Autumn Mitchell, ZeniMax Bargaining Team member
Follow ZeniMax Workers United to show your support: twitter.com/ZeniMaxWorkers
Press Release: Struck Newspaper Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Closes Allegheny County Print Facility, Pays Out Striking Production Workers
AT&T Southwest Bargaining Team Gets Support from Across CWA District 6