February 2024 Bargaining News

Bargaining opened with Altice in West Virginia this month. The CWA Bargaining Committee emphasized the importance of fair compensation, working conditions, and job security in their opening remarks to the company. The first report is available here.
CWA negotiated the first contract for Altice members in 2020 following a successful organizing campaign. The Bargaining Committee is working to secure and improve the current contract, which will expire on April 26.
Climate Reality
Negotiations with Climate Reality opened on February 8 and continued through the month. While bargaining a new contract, the Union Committee addressed concurrent issues with working conditions. Read the February 23 report for the latest news.
Climate Reality Project joined CWA last spring when they signed a Voluntary Recognition Agreement. The contract will be the first for this bargaining unit.
Comcast Alle-Kiske
After ten months of bargaining, Comcast continues to introduce new proposals to whittle away at the Alle-Kiske contract. At negotiations during the last week of February, the Company introduced new proposals to make holiday and vacation time more challenging. The Union Committee reasserts their commitment to a fair contract during off-table discussions with the company this week.
The Alle-Kiske contract expired in May 2023.
Comcast South Hills
The Bargaining Team met with Comcast on February 6 through 8 to negotiate the South Hills contract. The Union focused on the wage package during this round of negotiations but reported limited progress. Negotiations will resume in March when the Bargaining Team will continue to fight for a contract members deserve.
The Comcast South Hills contract expired on November 6, 2023.
EveryAction (Bonterra)
In the most recent their most recent Newsletter, CWA Local 13000 reported:
In late 2023, the Company announced its intention and wish to alter both the commission and bonus plans that our membership is compensated through today. While the Company does recognize that this change in working conditions must be bargained with and accepted by the Union, the Company’s Compensation department has had scheduling conflicts and was unable to meet with the Union, despite available dates given for discussions by the Union. These discussions are now scheduled to be held on February 7, 2024. Updates surrounding these discussions will be relayed to the membership in real time.
CWA Local 2336 released a report from the February 7th meeting here:
After several rounds of official negotiations in January and February, issues such as raises and promotions remain unresolved. Please wear red on April 4th to support the Bargaining Committee.
Check out the February 27 report for the latest news.
MissionWired employees voted to join CWA Local 2336 in September 2023. This contract is the first for the Washington, DC-based bargaining unit.
District 2-13 Vice President Mike Davis joined the Piedmont Bargaining Committee at the bargaining table during February negotiations to send the message to the airline that the Union will do whatever is necessary to achieve a fair contract for our members. Help amplify that message by wearing the CWA pin every day.

Piedmont members at PHF Newport News Williamsburg airport show their solidarity with CWA pins.
Read February’s full report for the latest news from the bargaining table.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
In the latest newsletter, CWA reported:
...bargainers for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette met with CWA District 2-13 Vice President Mike Davis and Bargaining Chair Jon Remington to discuss the contract for the paper’s advertising workers. The advertising workers, members of CWA Local 14827, along with production workers from CWA Local 14842, members of the Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh (TNG-CWA Local 38061), and members of the Teamsters have been on strike at the company since October 2022.
This was the first bargaining session with any of the striking unions since September 2023. During the session, Vice President Davis expressed his intention to resolve outstanding issues and negotiate a fair agreement and his commitment to maintaining solidarity with the other striking units.
The Post-Gazette strike is the longest-running strike in the U.S. and the longest strike ever in Pittsburgh. Click here to learn how you can support the striking workers.
The strike at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette entered its sixteenth month in February. Labor Notes featured the milestone and the commitment of our striking workers in a recent article.
February saw the ninth round of negotiations with Threespot. Several proposals were discussed, such as remote work, arbitration process, and union activity. Additional meetings are scheduled.
Threespot employees voted to join CWA Local 2336 in January 2023. This contract is the first for the bargaining unit.
CWA Members Build Skills at the Minority Leadership Institute