October 2021 Bargaining Round-Up
American Red Cross – National Addendum
The Coalition of Unions continued national negotiations with the American Red Cross through October, focusing on our members’ missing breaks and lunches, overworked schedules, and short-staffing. Keep in touch with your Local Reps to find out about national mobilization activities. Your participation is critical in the fight for a fair contract!
Get the latest news and mobilization activities from the Coalition’s newsletter, The Pulse.
Comcast South Hills
The CWA Local 13000 and Comcast reached a Tentative Agreement in early October, and it has been ratified by the membership. Congratulations to the Bargaining Team!
Read the last report here: https://cwad2-13.org/news/comcast-south-hills-2020-21-report-15
The CWA Local 2252 Bargaining Committee continues to negotiate the INOVA/ASHN contract. The contract’s expiration date has been extended to November 4, 2021.
Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority
The CWA Local 2252 Bargaining Committee is at impasse with MWAA. Mediation, fact finding, and arbitration will occur soon.
Newtown Township Firefighters
CWA Local 13000’s latest Newsletter reports negotiations with Newtown Township over the Unit 25 Branch 11 firefighters began in September and continued in October. The initial negotiations focused on gaining an amicable extension agreement. Reach out to your Rep for the latest news.
Psychiatric Institute of Washington, D.C.
CWA's Local 2336 Bargaining Committee and PIW continue negotiations. The current agreement remains effect until January 15, 2022.
Prior to the contracts’ expiration, the CWA Local 13000 Bargaining Committee reached a Tentative Agreement with Windstream. Contact your Local Rep for the status of ratification.
The latest report is available here: https://cwad2-13.org/news/windstream-bargaining-2021-report-4
MissionWired First Contract Bargaining: Report #15
District 2-13 WV Gives to Salvation Army Angel Tree Project